There are two weekly farmers markets in Prague. One of them is the Jirak Farmers Market, in Czech Farmářské tržiště Jiřák, which is located in the third district.
The video features our visit to the market. We have also added in between the video some pictures.
Tip: If you are able to cook in Prague and you are visiting the market on the weekend, lookout for the stand of PastaArt. We have tried the standard pasta from them and it was really good. The son of the business spoke English. It was very inspiring to see a boy at his age having so much enthusiasm for the business.
Click here to see the Facebook page of PastaArt
- PastaArt
- Sign Farmers Market
- Street Sign At Location
Public Transport to the market:
Tram 11 Stop: náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad
Trams 10 and 16: Stop Vinohradská vodárna
Market times:
Wed 8:00hrs to 18:00hrs / Fridays 8:00hrs to 18:00hrs / Saturdays 8:00hrs to 14:00hrs
Address: Náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad, Praha 3.
Click here to visit the website of the farmers market (in Czech and English language)
Zobrazit místo Farmářské tržiště Jiřák na větší mapě